The Auditory Processing Game

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Author Kelly Malone • Karen Stontz • Barb Truman

Ages: 8-Adult
Grades: 3-Adult

This game targets six skill areas students with auditory processing deficits struggle to master. Match the difficulty level to student needs with a hierarchy of stimuli.

"What happened?" "Who did it?" "Where did it happen?" That's what students try to figure out as they complete auditory tasks correctly in this mystery-solving game.

The six, 35-card decks each target a different skill. The cards in each deck are arranged in a hierarchy. very card, with the exception of the Auditory Cohesion deck, has three stimulus items that progress in difficulty. The cards target these skill areas:

  • Auditory Discrimination–identify same sounds in words, absurd words in sentences, and absurd sentences in paragraphs
  • Auditory Analysis/Segmentation–identify the number of syllables in words and sounds in words
  • Auditory Closure–fill in missing words, syllables, and sounds
  • Auditory Blending/Manipulation–blend syllables and phonemes to make words; delete and exchange to make words
  • Auditory Memory–repeat sequences and follow directions
  • Auditory Cohesion–make inferences, paraphrase, and solve riddles and math story problems

COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES: 11" x 17" heavy-duty, single-fold game board; 210 cards on perforated card stock; 21 photo cards on perforated card stock; instructions; answer key; 4 pawns; die; vinyl folder.



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