Language Arts Warm-Ups COMBO (All 7 Books)

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Author Bonnye Wier Cavazos

Daily Warm-Up Activities


Written for struggling learners in middle school and high school, these spiral-bound books provide multiple opportunities to develop and practice key language arts skills and concepts. The series is designed to supplement any language arts curriculum. The reproducible activities include definitions and examples.

  • 180 Warm-Ups per Book
  • Answer Keys

Books in this series, also available separately, include:

  • Proofreading. Covers capitalization, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, and more.
  • Grammar and Spelling. Addresses parts of speech, basic spelling rules, and more.
  • Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots. Presents common word parts such as non-, un-, -er, -est, and more.
  • Commonly Confused Words. Reinforces word meanings for everyday words, including "effect" and "affect"; "here" and "hear"; "they're," "there," and "their"; "good" and "well"; "its" and "it's"; and more.
  • Idioms. Explores idioms, including "bury the hatchet"; "over your head," a "ballpark figure," "raining cats and dogs," "green thumb," and more.
  • Idioms 2. Explores more idioms, including "hit it off," "jump on the bandwagon," "pay the piper," "wet blanket," "head honcho," a "bump in the road," and more.
  • Vocabulary. Covers synonyms, antonyms, word origins, homophones, multiple meaning words, context clues, and more.


Combo of All 7 Books • ©2006

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