Economics: Student Workbook

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Author Kristina M. Swann

Reading Level: 3–4.5
Interest Level: 9–12

This unique program was designed for students who need help learning the concepts covered in basic economics courses. This standards-based program appeals to struggling readers in high school, ESL, and adult literacy classes. The low reading level; sophisticated page layout; and age-appropriate, up-to-date, visuals make Economics accessible to students with limited reading skills.

The 80-page, full-color Economics: Student Workbook includes seven easy-to-read chapters. Each features lists of vocabulary words; full-color photographs; and full-color visual aids, such as maps and charts. A Section Review exercise appears at the end of each section, and a Chapter Checkup at the end of each chapter gives students an opportunity to further review the chapter.

Economics focuses on the U.S. free enterprise system. Students will read about the basics of the production and consumption of goods and services; supply and demand; types of businesses and market structures; the global economy, and the role of financial institutions. Also includes a chapter called, "How Economics Affects You.

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84 full-color pages • 8.5 x 11 softcover • ©2006

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