MAVA: Montgomery Assessment of Vocabulary Acquisition, Complete Kit

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Author Judy Montgomery
Test Level A
Age Range Preschool, School-Age
Testing Time 30 minutes (15 for each section)
Administration Individual

Ages: 3-0 to 12-11
Testing Time: 30 minutes (15 for each section)
Administration: Individual

Research tells us that children with large, rich vocabularies have better verbal, reading, and writing skills. MAVA evaluates a childs knowledge of basic (tier one), high frequency (tier two), and curriculum-based (tier three) words. This assessment includes, up-to-date word choices, full-color illustrations, and everything else you need to evaluate the listening and speaking vocabulary of children ages 3-0 to 12-11.

Valid and Reliable

The standardization samples for the MAVA included over 1,300 children for the receptive test and over 1,200 for the expressive test. Test-retest, inter-rater reliability, and concurrent validity are all very high and over .90. In comparing the tests of the MAVA to the Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test and the Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, we found that the tests examine similar skills.

COMPLETE MAVA KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, Receptive Vocabulary Stimulus Easel, Expressive Vocabulary Stimulus Easel, Receptive Vocabulary Stimulus Easel, 30 Record Forms, and 30 Expressive Vocabulary Record Forms, all in a black briefcase. (©2008)

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