IDA-2: Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment–Second Edition, Complete Kit

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Author Sally Provence • Joanna Erikson • Susan Vater • Saro Palmeri • Kyle Pruett • Jennifer Rosinia
Test Level A
Age Range Early Childhood
Testing Time Varies
Administration Individual

Ages: Birth to 36 months
Time: Varies
Administration: Individual

The Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment-Second Edition (IDA-2) is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, family-centered six-phase process designed to identify children birth to 3 years of age who are developmentally at risk. The IDA-2 includes the Provence Birth-to-Three Developmental Profile, a criterion-referenced measure of development in eight areas: (1) gross motor, (2) fine motor, (3) relationship to inanimate objects, (4) language/communication, (5) self-help, (6) relationship to persons, (7) emotions and feeling states, and (8) coping behavior.

IDA-2's team-based approach helps determine the need for monitoring, consultation, intervention, or other services for the child and family and may be used to develop an initial Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). The assessment process takes into account the complexity and interdependence of health, family, and emotional/social factors that influence a child's development.

Six Phases

IDA-2 has six phases, the procedures for which are explained step-by-step:

  1. Referral & Pre-interview Data Gathering - to confirm the referral; to gather and assimilate preliminary information about the family and child; and to make initial contact with the family.
  2. Initial Parent Interview - to elicit parental concerns during the assessment; to obtain information about the child's history, health, and development as they pertain to the referral concerns; to gather information about the family that has relevance to the child's development.
  3. Health Review - to gather and organize health information from the parents, primary care provider, medical records, and sources; to conduct the health review and complete the Health Recording Guide; and to consider the role of health factors on the child's development.
  4. Developmental Observation and Assessment - to create a profile of the child's development along multiple lines based on obtained information.
  5. Integration and Synthesis - to review the information gathered throughout the course of the assessment; to consider the need for consultation; to integrate and summarize findings; to identify program options; and to prepare for and schedule a conference with the parents.
  6. Share Findings, Completion, and Report - to bring the assessment to completion, share findings, and develop a plan with parents and facilitate entry into services.

Scoring and Interpretation

The IDA-2 is criterion-referenced. Throughout the IDA-2 process, practitioners gather information from multiple sources, integrate that information in a meaningful way, and create a plan of action. Duplication of effort and information is eliminated. This saves time and money, reduces the stress created by more fragmented approaches, and yields more complete information. The IDA-2 process leads to efficient, informed decisions. The IDA-2 Complete Kit now includes the IDA-2 Online Recording and Report System which scores the IDA-2 Record and provides a comprehensive online record-keeping option for the IDA-2 team-based and family-centered approach to developmental assessment.


  • Online recording options for the IDA-2 Record, Caregiver Report, Family Recording Guide, health Recording GUide, and Evaluation of Services
  • Automatic scoring of the IDA-2 Record
  • Login options for caregivers and physicians to complete the Health Recording Guide, Caregiver Report, and Evaluation of Services forms remotely
  • Autometic conversion of the online IDA-2 CVaregiver Report Form to Spanish based on primary language spoken at home
  • Space to record additional information relevant to the assessment
  • Generates a Summary Report (PDF Format) and IDA-2 Narrative Report (MS Word format)
  • Access for an unlimited number of team members
  • Provides guidance for a team-based and family-centered approach to developmental assessment
  • Facilitates communication and collaboration between caregivers and service providers resulting in better information, planning, and service
  • Incorporates unique health components whereby medical professionals can obtain and organize information vital to a child's development
  • IDA-2 Parent Report Form and IDA-2 Record Form available in Spanish

IDA-2 meets the assessment criteria required by IDEA and is consistent with the National Task Force on Screening and Assessment of the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NECTAS) guidelines.

Reliability coefficients for the Provence Profile domain scores are generally quite high, ranging from .90 to .96 for ages 1 to 18 months and .78 to .96 for ages 19 to 36 months. Inter-rater reliabilities range from .91 to .95 for seven of the eight domains and .81 for the remaining domain.

System Requirements

  • PC or Mac desktop or laptop computer, Chromebook, or Apple iPad
  • High-speed/broadband internet connection
  • Web browser with support for HTML5 (minimum acceptable versions include: Internet Explorer 10 or higher, Edge 15 or higher, Firefox 57 or higher, Safari 11 or higher, Chrome 63 or higher, Opera 50 or higher)
  • Must enable JavaScript

COMPLETE IDA-2 KIT INCLUDES: Administration Manual, Study Guide, 25 Parent Report Forms, 25 Health Record Guides, 25 Record Forms with a Code Card to unlock online scoring, and a Manipulatives Kit, all in a sturdy canvas carrying case. (©2016)

For more information about the IDA, visit the IDA institute. For information about IDA training, visit the  IDA Institute Training Center.

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