A Functional Assessment and Curriculum for Teaching Students with Disabilities–Volume 2: Nonverbal Communication, Oral Communications, and Literacy Preparation–Fourth Edition
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Author | Peter J. Valletutti • Michael Bender • Audrey Smith Hoffnung • Carol Ann Baglin |
Target Group: Infancy through Young Adult
Unit 1: Nonverbal Communication
- Responding to Gestures
- Using Gestures
- Responding to Tone
- Using Tone
- Responding to Facial Expressions
- Using Facial Expressions
- Using Augmentative or Alternate Communication
Unit 2: Oral Communication
- Progressing through the One-Word Stage (0-12 months)
- Progressing through Stages 1-IV (0-12 months)
- Acquiring Skills for Various Learning Situations
- Acquiring Skills for Work Situations
- Acquiring Skills for Leisure Pursuits
- Acquiring Skills for Household Participation
- Acquiring Skills to be a Friend and Family Member
- Acquiring Skills to be a Community Member
- Acquiring Skills to be a Consumer and Participant in Financial Transactions
- Acquiring Skills to be a Traveler within the Community
Unit 3: Literacy Preparation
- Acquiring Phonological and other Oral Language Skills that Facilitate Literacy
- Acquiring Skills for Narrative Activities
- Comprehending and Using Idioms
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8.5 x 11 • lay-flat binding with reproducibles • ©2008
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