Developing Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Birth to Three

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Author Donna Staisiunas Hurley

Here is an exciting home exercise program for children ages birth to 3 years, containing dozens of beautifully illustrated, reproducible handouts for parents, as well as for therapists and healthcare and childcare workers.  Each interval of 3 or 6 months in the childs development is divided into a fine- and gross-motor section.  In each section several exercise sheets guide parents or other caregivers in ways to develop specific motor skills typical of that age level.  Here is a sample section.

Three to Six Months:

 Gross Motor–Prone on forearms, prone with arms extended, sitting with support, head control, supine: feet to hands, rolling prone to side-lying, rolling prone to supine, rolling supine to prone, pedaling action in supine, creeping, weight bearing n feet.

Fine Motor–Reaching upward, palmar grasp, hands to midline, ulnar palmar grasp, radial palmar grasp.

Each reproducible exercise sheet is easy to follow and includes these sections:

  • Desired movement
  • How Does This Movement Help Your Child?
  • Picture of the Movement
  • How to Incorporate This Movement Into Your Daily routine
  • What to Expect Next
In addition to the 117 exercise handouts for enhancing development, the manual includes practical information on how to guide parents when doing the exercises, hints about hand-over-hand guidance, what toys encourage the desired movement, etc. The appendix has helpful reproducible handouts as well on Childproofing Your Home, Car Seat Safety, and Age Appropriate Toys.

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168 pages ©2000 large format spiral bound           

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